Briefly in English


Statsvetenskapliga klubben vid Åbo Akademi r.f. (SF-klubben for short) is the faculty association for Social Science students at Åbo Akademi University. It was founded in 1925, and is as such the oldest Social Science student association in the Nordic region.

The activities of the association are aimed at all Social Science students at Åbo Akademi University in Turku. From the very beginning, the purpose of the association has been to awaken and increase the interest for societal issues among our members, as well as to safeguard the interests of the members in questions regarding their studies, job opportunities and free time. Therefore, the diverse and versatile activities consist of both traditional and contemporary events. The association organises domestic and foreign excursions, sittings and parties, evening sessions, monthly member meetings, debates, sporting events, company visits, coffee hours and such. The events are primarily held in Swedish, as it is the official language of the association, with the occasional event held in both Swedish and either Finnish or English.

Moreover, SF-klubben also has its own Club House where events are held. SF-klubben publishes two magazines for its members: the more formal Politicus, and the more informal Allwar&Oförskämt. The association is one of the largest and most active student associations at Åbo Akademi University.


SF-klubben has its own office on the third floor of the A2-part of the ASA-house, room A304. Office hours are Monday – Thursday at 11.30 – 13.00. During office hours you can become a member/ pay your membership fee (10€/ year), buy overall patches or our history book or just come in to talk and discuss anything and everything with other students or just hang out and drink a cup of coffee. Welcome!



The day-to-day operations and business of SF-klubben are led and organised by the Board. The Board consists of the Chairperson, the Head of Educational Advocacy, the Head of Domestic and Foreign Affairs, the Secretary, the Head of Finance, the Head of Culture and Exercise, the Head of Facility Operations, the Host/ Hostess, and the Head of Marketing and Communications. The board is responsible for all of the association’s events, for preparing the matters up for discussion at the monthly meetings, executing the decisions made at the meetings and for negotiating cooperation agreements with companies and business partners etc. Our contact information can be found below:




Name: Ingrid Geust

Phone number: +358 40 088 6984




Name: Fredrika af Hällström

Phone number: +358 44 984 2825



Head of Finance

Name: Miranda Berglund

Phone number: +358 44 309 9482



Head of Educational Advocacy

Name: Lina Kronströn

Phone number: +358 40 030 8635



Head of Domestic and Foreign Affairs

Name: Elsa Moliis

Phone number: +358 45 354 0820



Head of Culture and Exercise

Name: Linnéa Wiik

Phone number: +358 44 088 6658



Head of Facility Operations

Name: Karl Jansson

Phone number: +358 44 273 4399




Name: Vilma Ahvenainen

Phone number: +358 44 990 6978



Head of Marketing and Communications

Name: Astrid Lindholm

Phone number: +358 44 071 7030




SF-klubben has written and adopted a Declaration of Equality to ensure that all members can feel safe, welcome and respected. The full declaration can be found under “Länkar” and “Declaration of Equality”. The Declaration applies to all events organised by SF-klubben. In short, we do not tolerate bullying, racism, discrimination, harassment, or offensive behaviour. Nobody should be treated poorly due to their opinions, ethnic background, sexual orientation, language, gender, sex, religion, disability or any other personal reason.

We commit to counteracting all of the above-mentioned forms of harassment and we commit to continuing reviewing and developing our operations from an equality perspective and to work for a more equal and inclusive student culture throughout Åbo Akademi University. The functionaries of SF-klubben supervise that everyone follows the Declaration, and they are encouraged to report any behaviour contrary to it. Behaviour contrary to the Declaration leads to disciplinary actions.



Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions! You can contact any one of the Board members or send an email to and we are happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also find us on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Most of our marketing for events is available on our Instagram page @sfklubben.



Fänriksgatan 3 A

20500 Turku